Stay on top of upcoming events and the latest news from the PTO:
The Current is our email newsletter that goes out during the school year, usually on Sundays. It is sent through our school directory list. If you aren't receiving it and would like to, please be sure your information in the directory is up to date. More info is here. If your info is updated and you still don't receive it, please email us at: communications@rispto.org. That’s also the address to use if you want to submit information for the newsletter.
Facebook and Instagram are updated throughout the week. Follow us on both: @rogersinternationalpto.
Our website is updated regularly. To add information or if you have questions, please contact us at communications@rispto.org.
We also frequently send info via Peachjar electronic flyers, SchoolMessenger and Remind.
To stay in touch with RIS and Stamford Public Schools:
The RIS and SPS websites are: www.rogersinternationalschool.org and www.stamfordpublicschools.org
RIS posts frequently on Insta, Facebook and Threads at RogersInt202 and X at @RogersInt
The PowerSchool parent/student portal includes classroom and bus assignments, grades and more. New students will be registered and current students updated when SPS rolls over the system, usually sometime in August. Please be sure to check that your contact info is correct so you will receive all SPS and RIS notifications.
Time-sensitive news (such as bus delays, deadlines, closures or delays) are sent via text and email using Remind. Info also may be communicated via SchoolMessenger (email and phone calls). Both Remind and School Messenger use your contact info from PowerSchool.
Peachjar electronic flyers: You will be automatically registered if the school has your email address.
Latest district news: https://www.stamfordpublicschools.org/departments/public-affairs-office/sps-news
RIS's newsletter, Terrapin News, is sent several times a week during the school year to the email address SPS has on file. Terrapin Scoop is sent during the summer as needed.