Welcome to the Rogers PTO Website
All parents and caregivers of children at Rogers are members of our parent-teacher organization and are welcome at all meetings and events.
We act as a liaison between the school and parents to build community, support staff and teachers, and enhance the experiences of all students.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact us at president@rispto.org and keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities.
Latest News & Events
With the cold weather here, RIS always appreciates donations of hats, gloves and jackets. Classrooms can use hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues.
Check out upcoming PTO events and activities here.
Cast Your Vote in the RIS "Super Bowl"
Bring in a can of soup and vote for either Mr. Ambrogio's Eagles or Mr. Maloney's Chiefs. All donations go to RISing Community Pantry to support RIS families in need
Save the Dates!​
March 12: Lower-School bingo
April 13: RIS day at the NY Yankees
May 1: Tall and Small Ball